My Story

I was diagnosed on August 7, 2012 with grade 3 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (IDC). The most common form of breast cancer in the most aggressive class. At the time, I was 37 years old. Our son was 5 and diagnosed with autism two days later. Our daughter was 21 months old and still nursing.

My cancer i\was triple negative, chemo resistant and multi focal.

I underwent 11 chemo treatments between August and November (Taxol and A/C)

On November 29, 2012, I had a double mastectomy with tissue expander placement. We removed both breasts because although my tumors were all on the left side, my right side was full of pre-cancerous fibrous tissue. My largest tumor was 3.5cm and five lymph nodes were removed, all of which were miraculously clear.

On December 24, 2012, I restarted chemo (Carbo/Gem) for an additional six rounds. As soon as that was finished, I moved to radiation and received 28 treatments. I am still in the process of reconstruction.

This is my journey.

14 Responses to My Story

  1. Jamie says:

    You are amazing! Kick this cancer’s ass! Xo

  2. Shelly Holderness says:

    Jenn, I’m so sorry you are having to go through all this. I know it has to be the biggest most unexpected shock!! I know it’s incredibly hard in so many ways, and even something relatively small in perspective to what you’re facing (like weaning your daughter so suddenly) has got to be a hugely difficult thing. It’s really frightening to think any of us could have something like this happen if it could happen to you right now. But you’re a strong woman- look at all you’ve already come through that you probably wouldn’t have imagined how you were gonna handle it. You’re stronger even than you know and you will get through this! Everything you’ve been through in your life up to this point has helped make you stronger and will help carry you through the unknown right now. You and your family are all in my thoughts and prayers. ❤

  3. Jen Myhr says:


    Thank you for writing this blog. It is such an uncomfortable subject for so many people, myself included. I feel a lot closer to you now, and I get the answers to the questions I want to ask, but don’t have the guts to ask, for fear of either hurting your feelings or making you relive it over and over again. I look forward to reading it 3 years from now when you are cancer free……still. MUAH!

  4. Amanda land Vinson says:

    Thoughts and prayers for you and your family. My college roommate and best friend works as a nurse practitioner at georgia breast cancer center in Marietta. She and dr. Corgan are great! Have had several Close friends go through this and they are all doing great 5, 7 and 2 years later!!! 🙂 let me know if you want her contact information!

  5. Tiffany Herron says:

    Jenn, I love you and I’m thinking about you! I want to bring over a meal and/or help with Fletch and Evelyn – whatever you need or want. Is there a meal site set up? I thought someone said something about that??? Know you are loved… Tiff

  6. Hi Jenn – Fellow Roswell Hornet here. You can beat this! I know you can. I will be sure to follow you on Facebook

  7. Jenn, thinking of you. So sorry you have to endure chemo 2x! YUCK! If you need a friend, I’m here for you ~ 11 year BC survivor. xo

  8. Amy says:

    Hi Jenn,
    I have two children close to your childrens age (6 & 3) and was diagnosed with Stage 3 last March. I went through 16 rounds of chemo (Taxol & AC), lumpectomy and ended up with double mas in October. I just finished radiation a couple of weeks ago. It is utterly exhausting when you have to go though this with small children…sometimes I get so overwhelmed and just burst into tears. At the same time they give you unconditional love and motivation to fight everyday. Hang in there and thinking of you!

  9. Joan Kovalchik says:

    Hi Jenn, I just wanted you to know that I periodically read your blog and am praying for you everyday. Your mom’s college room mate, Joan

  10. Grant says:

    Jenn – I ‘m a big fan of anyone brave enough to share their story like this. Your story is very similar to my wife’s – She was 37 when she was diagnosed with cancer and then found out she was pregnant 2 days later. Anyway, I hope it helps to know there are others out there fighting the the same fight!

  11. Diana says:

    I just found your blog today and read it from start to finish. I’m halfway through chemo and have found your blog so helpful. You are AMAZING and I look forward to reading more from you and hearing good news about radiation and follow up surgeries.

  12. Wow! You are a strong young woman! I have a site called, and was wondering if I could put a link to your blog on my site. The goal of my site is to help young women with cancer connect and share thier journeys. I too am a Breast Cancer survivor. I am 31 years old, Your blog is amazing, and I will be keeping up with what is happening with you 🙂

  13. Jeannine says:

    I thought I would share my friend’s story. He too is a survivor with a blog. Check it out and send him yours. Best of luck.

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